Gideon M-K; Health NerdDo Masks Work For COVID-19?The question we’re still somehow debatingMar 3, 202331Mar 3, 202331
Maarten SteenhagenLoathe fascism? Then don’t be a health supremacistThose who are not faithful to principles become open to evil, to have evil done to them or to do evil themselves — Pramoedya Ananta ToerMay 10, 20225May 10, 20225
InThe StartupbyMatt J Weber 🦢How We Beat the Y2K Bug (Or Not)Experts predicted a computer apocalypse in the year 2000. But nothing happened. Did a multibillion dollar global effort save us or was it…May 6, 20201May 6, 20201
Gideon M-K; Health NerdIs Ivermectin For Covid-19 Based On Fraudulent Research? Part 4The story of ivermectin for Covid-19 continues to get even more worrisomeOct 7, 20213Oct 7, 20213